Flame Proof Enclosures TNDLDE (Line Bushing for Ex-d to Ex-e Compartments)
Application: The TNDLDE range of line bushing are
designed as components for use in all Ex de enclosures to
pass connection between the Ex d and Ex e compartment
in combination Ex de enclosures. The TNDLDE is designed
to accommodate coaxial cables such as RG179 (50?) or can
be manufactured to order for custom or hybrid bushing
Impedance: 50W±2
Max. Operating Frequency: 2GHz
Capacitance: 101 pF/m
Velocity of signal propagation: 66%
Signal delay: 5.03 ns/m
Insulation resistance: >1 x 108MWm
Min. screening effectiveness: >41dB (upto 2GHz)
Max. operating voltage: 5kVrms (at sea level)
Test Voltage: 10 kVrms (50Hz/1min)